
November 29, 2024


If you look at my portfolio or talk to me for more than 30 seconds, you quickly realize that my heart is at least partially (if not totally) made of sea, salt, and sand. Blue skies over placid water bring me smiles, grey skies over tumultuous waves make me melancholy (in the best way possible), and creamsicle sunsets over silver ripples stop me in my tracks. When I need to calm down, or when I need to get energized, or when I need a good meditative walk…the ocean is the first place I go. Toes in the water, grounded in the sand, deep breaths of ocean air are my preferred remedy for everything.

I grew up a block away from the beach…so close that I could see the ocean peeking over a neighbors trees line, hear the waves if the wind was blowing right, and feel the salt in the air. It was a magical childhood in a magical place.This year, that magical home was sold. These are some of the last pictures I took, on our last trip to the beach, on the last day I stood in my childhood home. (I made my parents stop moving boxes so I could grab a picture of them on the front steps before I left. Not sorry.)

I am thankful. Thankful for this magical place that infused the essence of the sea into my veins. Thankful for the family, friends and fun that surrounded me as a child. Thankful for the memories I made as an adult. Thankful for the healing Lucy experienced there as she battled and beat retinoblastoma. I’m thankful for this enchanting beach. And, as we enter this new era, I am thankful that my parents are now close. I am thankful for the time Lucy spends with them. I am just thankful for it all. I am thankful we experienced the magic and thankful that even though we had to say goodbye…it all worked out in the best way possible.

For now, the house stands, and if you know where it is and you ever drive past it, please say hi for me. We love and miss you, you wonderful, magical, house by the sea

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